Please re-open Madeleine McCann's Case.

" We the Undersigned, are demanding the re-opening of the Madeleine McCann's case, and a new legacy for Missing Persons."

" Is it justice that a young missing Child gets her case prevented, by the "shelving" of it?
Not only, undoubtedly this Missing Little Girl has already suffered the unconceivable for any child to go through, but also now suffers a long distance ignorance, since her official Case Investigation has reached a dead-end, via the Portuguese authorities' radical decision.
One year on, still no change, one person is desperate for an investigation though, and this is little Maddy.
We do understand that financial aspects might well be in the way, yet wherever there is a problem, solutions exist. The same goes for any other missing person, and money should never be an issue. Surely Europe can contribute in funds towards the re-opening of Madeleine McCann's Case, or even take it under its own wing. Perhaps this case can even lead to a new legacy concerning any missing person in the world.
Meanwhile a Child is MISSING, and her case is frozen, blocked, closed, shelved.
This for Herself, Madeleine, reaches no suitable, reasonnable potentiality of solving, or even new steps and paths.
We do demand, in the Name of Madeleine, a re-consideration of her case.
We do demand, in the Name of Madeleine, a European Summit about her case, regardless of any element that is included in the past investigation files, regardless of anyone else.
We do demand, in the Name of Madeleine McCann, her case to be RE-OPENED, and we, in the Name of All other Missing Children, and Persons, are asking the European Parliament to consider a new Legacy about All Missing People Cases.
We do demand real justice, not obstruction.
Please do Re Open Madeleine Mccann's Case."

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