End Potbellied Pig Discrimination Now

  • av: The Fry Family
  • mottagare: Madame Mayor and Petaluma City Council Members

We are asking for your support to save our beloved potbellied pigs Shelly, Polly, Bubba, and Bella. In order for them to be spared, we must change Petaluma's current potbellied pig ordinance. Pigs have been treated as second-class pet citizens in Petaluma for long enough. It is now time to enact a humane and equable ordinance for an animal that is considered to be the third most intelligent mammal, ranking only behind the ape and the dolphin. We are asking that the same rights and considerations that are presently allowed for dogs be extended to potbellied pigs. We are seeking no more or less for our precious pets.�

We the undersigned,
Are requesting that you apply the same standards for potbellied pig ownership and keeping as you now grant�to all other domestic household pets within the city. Petaluma�allows four dogs and up to five cats per household. There is no stipulated weight limit, or any spay /neuter requirements imposed upon them. However, when it comes to potbellies, Petaluma unreasonably applies�cruel and punitive restrictions toward our beloved family pets. Therefore in the interest of fairness, this must be changed.

Current Ordinance 6.410 imposes a weight limit of 100lbs that few if any mature potbellies can meet; limits ownership to one pig per household. In so doing unfairly denies this social herd animal the companionship of it's own species; mandates sterilization without a medical exception, that for an older pig is frequently a death sentence. This ordinance fails to meet the criteria of enlightened animal welfare policies that have been successfully enacted by San Francisco, Sacramento, Bakersfield, Simi Valley, and Tehama County.

We are asking that the following proposed modification be considered:

6.410 The keeping of potbellied pigs provided that no more than four (4) potbellied pigs per household may be kept; that in any household, the combined number of potbellied pigs and dogs shall not exceed four (4) animals; and that all potbellied pigs be licensed by the City of Petaluma, with the amount of any license fee being equivalent to the license fee for dogs.


We moved to Petaluma 16 years ago with our pigs in tow. We purchased a home in the Sonoma Glen subdivision, and have lived there happily without incident, always with our Sus Scrofa house pets.

Thus said, a neighbor, of over 12 years, decided to replace all of his fencing. He constructed a non-compliant fence, without permits, on three sections of his property and tried to force us into building the same. When we objected threats were made, "If you don't accept this design I will have your hogs taken away." When we refused, a complaint was made to animal control.

It's most unfortunate that our neighbor has chosen to use an out of date ordinance in order to vent his anger and hostility toward us, onto our pets. This neighbor and his wife have also made up stories that our pets have been in their yard and they were acting out of concern for the safety of their 4-year child. They have also made claims that there is a video and have invented a mystery neighbor. Despite these face saving stories and justifications, our pets have never breached their fence, or at any time been in any of our neighbor's yards. Extensive garden fencing and two gates prevents them from coming within seven feet from this neighbor's property line.

Petaluma animal control served us a pre-seizure notice citing us with violation of code section PMC 9.08.040/ keeping live hogs prohibitive. Although Petaluma's potbellied pig ordinance was passed in 1992 with the intent of allowing ownership within all residential neighborhoods, this ordinance, unfortunately was placed into the R1 zoning section not into Title 9 of the Municipal Code. Our subdivision, like�most new subdivisions built within the last 15 years�is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development), so according to animal control, our precious pets are considered hogs, therefore prohibited.

A few months later we were sent a "Notice of Impoundment." It was at that point we appealed to the City Council. The Council and City Manager unanimously agreed to stay the abatement notice until a review to consider amendment can be made. We thank them for their kindness.

Why it is important that you must act

Bubba, Shelly, Polly, and Bella have had challenging lives, not unlike many potbellied pigs.� Two were starved, one was dumped onto a busy street, and one�requires medication�for arthritis. They are clean and quiet animals that mostly live indoors. They enjoy the pleasures and comforts of their own home and each evening are�tucked into their own custom designed beds. They are perfect Petaluma pet citizens who just happen to have hoofs and snouts rather than paws. Please grant them equal rights and allow them to stay in their home.

Thank you for your consideration.
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