People of the World Ratifying Kyoto

We the undersigned hereby support, accede and ratify the goals, targets and issues brought in the Kyoto Protocol. We oblige to act to promote mitigation of GHG emitions, in preventive/remedial/engraving action and advocacy for these actions.

We the undersigned people of the Earth hereby support, accede and ratify the goals, targets and issues brought in the Kyoto Protocol.

We acknowledge the role that Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emitions play in Climate Change and Global Warming and therefore see the importance of greatly reducing levels of such emitions.

We acknowladge the importance of keeping our economy and the welfare of our friends and neighbours in good conditions.

Nevertheless we acknowledge that dramatic climate change in the world will result in the fall of economies and the welfare of people worldwide.

Therefor - we support any governmental/non-governmental actions to reduce GHG emitions in a sensible way to the issues and complications at any given situation.

We support the implementation of any new technological and scientific inventions and discoveries that might help us achieve the goals of reducing emitions, cleaning the enviroment and preventing Global Warming.

We pledge to act in the best way we can to promote mitigation of all forms of Greenhouse Gas emitions, whether in preventive/remedial/engraving action or in advocacy for these actions to our representatives on different levels.

We, the undersigned People of Earth, see the importance in the safe-keeping of Rainforest and other heavy flora and fauna areas as GHG sinks as well as other enviromental beneficiencies. We support actions to achieve the safekeeping of existing such areas, to re-creat former ones and to cultivate new sinks.

We, the undersigned people of Earth, support all actions of the UN and goverments worldwide in working together to solve the problems of Climate Change and Global Warming.

We hereby request our leaders to step forward and lead noticeable efforts to iradicate pollution in general and GHG emitions in particular.

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