Petition Barack Obama for an Organic Garden Project on White House Grounds

Agribusiness has run the show for far too long now, and the results have not been good for consumers.

Now is the time to encourage President Barack Obama to use his tremendous influence to help turn the tide on this fundamental issue.

We the undersigned, submit for your consideration, a request for a portion of the White House grounds to be converted into an organic garden(s).

Ultimately, the production and distribution of food is intertwined with the most urgent topics of today: healthcare, environment, climate control, education and economics.
The food we consume, along with the method in which we produce and distribute our food, has a highly significant impact on all five issues, and organic gardening and farming can bring positive changes to all five.

Along with the actual garden(s) a program could be implemented to include community members of all ages to assist in the maintenance of the garden(s), and/or the distribution of the harvests. 
This would provide outdoor activity, social interaction, hands on training, and purpose to those who need it most.

Also, a website might be created for the purpose of involving the public through photos, forums, and updates. 

Community organizers across the nation could be encouraged to submit photos and information regarding their own community organic garden programs, which might in turn, encourage better use of stagnant land in urban areas.

A few reasons for why it's time to support organic:

*  Organic gardening and farming is well suited for the 'buy locally' movement.

*  Organic food is healthier food, which means fewer trips to the doctor.

*  Children who eat more wholesome food tend to do better in school.

*  Going organic would help curtail soil and water pollution.

*  Organic gardening and farming is far less dependent on fossil fuels than commercial food production.

 *  More organic food in the field will bring more nutrition to people on a budget because it will be more affordable.

*   Organic gardening encourages intelligent interaction with the earth, and a deeper appreciation for the need to protect it.  

We can think of no better way to send a powerful message of fundamental importance to citizens nationwide and across the globe, than to have the President of the United States of America, openly allocate resources for a White House garden of the organic kind.

We thank you for your kind consideration on this topic.

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