Updated 2021: Oppose the Classification of African American/Hispanic/Latino


I am Not African American/Hispanic…

Here is the beginning approach to liberating ourselves. Worldwide wide we will remove the damage that has been rendered upon us and the value that is set for those who call themselves African American/Hispanic/Latino. There has been an evolution of terms, both offensive and incorrect, that the US Government has used to classify African American/Hispanic/Latino people.

However, none of those really can describe, identify or even relate to those who are being called, "African American/Hispanic/Latino". Mexicans/Hispanic's/Latino's are NOT Illegal Immigrants to this land, North, South, West – but instead are Native's and the aborigines 'Mexicans'. African Americans do not all have ancestors who were enslaved.

Some Black People had already been living on this land now, called America, thousands of years before any European ever "settled" or set foot onto it. Therefore, we are the direct descendants of these First Great Nations of the Moors and the Olmecs and many, many more indigenous Nations that were here Pre-America.  

 By accepting to be called African American/Hispanic/Latino we are denying our tribal ancestry lineage and under the constitution, accepting to have no inalienable or indigenous rights to any land in The United States. We must oppose and withdraw from being called these racial classifications immediately and for infinity. We are a people who are very, much so, conscious of the past and we must remove the "shackles" that are holding us down and that begin with our name. 

You play an empty role in "their" representation of an African American/Hispanic/Latino and you are not part of the institutionalized racism that began with Christopher Columbus and his lost voyage to "India" aka The Americas.

To conclude, I reject the continuation of the cultural castration of our people. From this day forward, I will make it my duty to not only keep liberating my mind, body, and soul with the truth, The Infinite GOD that I am within myself but also to help awaken my people with the same truth.

       It's time to start classifying ourselves! Let's make a start NOW! Educate Yourself 

We shall no longer be called what we are not. We are neither Black in Colour nor His Panic in ignorance. We are of the Melanin Race and first and foremost recognized as such. 

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
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