Open the Lyon's Center Pool for Summer 2009

The NORD Lyon's Center suffered significant damage due to the copper pipes and wire being stripped from the building, resulting in a delay of renovation to the Lyon's Center and preventing the pool to from being open to the citizens and children this summer.

The City of New Orleans and NORD were negligent in properly securing and monitoring the building, thereby allowing the theft to occur.

It is the responsibility of the City of New Orleans and NORD to make the necessary repairs that will allow to the pool to open for summer 2009.
We the undersign strongly believe it is the responsibility of the City of New Orleans and NORD to make the necessary repairs that will allow to the pool at Lyons Center to open for summer 2009.

The NORD Lyon's Center suffered significant damage due to the copper pipes and wire being stripped from the building, resulting in a delay of renovation to the Lyon's Center and preventing the pool to from being open to the citizens and children this summer.

The City of New Orleans and NORD were negligent in properly securing and monitoring the building, thereby allowing the theft to occur.
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