Only 7 days to stop the Worlds largest Seal slaughter!

  • av: Radiant Living
  • mottagare: Turkish Seal Fur Trader in Australia:  Hatem Yavus
Radiant Living, has joined organisations around the World to stop the trade of Seal Fur...for good!On the 1 July 2009... in just 7 days, Namibia will be conducting the systematic bloody slaughter of thousands of Seals.Please read more at:
Sign the Target Letter addressed to Hatem Yavus. Please forward this petition on to as many people as you know and get them to forward on further.This brutal and cruel murder of innocent animals CAN be stopped with your help. Sign today !Read further below.....

Just in: I am on my knees in gratitude to all you amazing, caring people who have signed this petition so far. Francois Hugo (the Seal man from Seal-Alerts) has managed to optain a reprieve of 2 to 3 weeks for the baby seals. Negotiations are , as we speak, in progress to stop this culling...FOREVER! Please continue to support this petition which will be sent to the Namibian Ministers of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
It's imperative that we keep the focus and pressure on this issue until we are assured that the seals are saved, protected and reintroduced back into their natural habitat on the islands off the coast of Namibia.This colony has been so traumatised and it's numbers so cruelly reduced that it stands now at only 13% of it's original numbers. There is no going back. We must stop this NOW!
We the undersigned are appalled by this barbaric, immoral, cruel and unnecessary practice and urge you to please consider not only the lives of innocent animals but the repercussions of these inhumane and thoughtless actions on the future of this seal colony.The furs are bought for a pittance of what they will sell for via your company and as such does not significantly benefit any Namibian. Also, Namibia is an emerging economy and relies heavily on eco-tourism. This culling will have a very negative impact on tourism to this region, perpetuating the myth that Africa is far behind the rest of the World where its wildlife is concerned. Please do not exploit Africa, Africans and all who live on this beautiful and wildlife abundant continent.
We appeal to your innate sense of compassion, fairness and integrity and hope that you will find it in your heart to support our cause, rather than be the reason for it.

With peace, light and love.
Jen and Friends
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