Tell the Texas GOP to Apologize for Racist Obama Pin

  • av: Care2 friends against racism
  • mottagare: Republican Party of Texas, 900 Congress, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78701.         Phone: 512.477.9821 | Fax: 512.480.0709
This pin was spotted at the GOP state convention in Texas. Tell the Texas GOP that using racial slurs as part of their campaign is never acceptable.

This presidential election should be focused on important issues like the economy, climate change or the war in Iraq, not become an open forum for racist people who for lack of better ideas have decided to openly attack Senator Obama because of the color of his skin.

Sign now and urge the Texas GOP to apologize for allowing the sale of these racist pins during their convention.
We were outraged to find out you allowed a racist pin with the message "If Obama is President... will we still call it the White House?" to be sold at your state convention.

Racial slurs have no place in the presidential election discourse. Your political attacks should be focused on important issues like the economy, climate change or the war in Iraq; attacking your opponent because of his race is never acceptable.

The presidential election is not an open forum for racist people who, for lack of better ideas, have decided to openly attack Senator Obama because of the color of his skin.

We urge you to apologize for allowing the circulation of these offensive pins during your convention, to ban the sales of racist items at your events, and to ask your members to refrain from using hateful speech and racist attacks against Senator Obama.
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