End the Use of Primates in the Mars Space Programme

  • av: Carmen Mandel-Cesareo
  • mottagare: Boris A. Lapin, Director, The Research Institute of Medical Primatology, Russia

[Deadline: 30 Dec 2008]

The Research Institute of Medical Primatology in Russia has a long history of involvement in the space programme.

Monkeys in Space
Primates do not ask to be cosmonauts

The institute's director, Boris Lapin, is quoted explaining: "People and monkeys have approximately identical sensitivity to small and large radiation doses. So it is better to experiment on the macaques, but not on dogs or other animals."

The Research Institute will select macaques to be sent to Mars before human  cosmonauts embark in a mission. After two years of experiments, 40 monkeys will be delivered to the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow. Scientists will test reactions through cruel experiments.

Monkeys will be exposed to radiation, prolonged weightless conditions, isolation and a special diet of juices and pureed food.

Experiments on the primates will be performed at the same time as the Mars-500 project, due to start early next year.


 Life in reclusion

Born in captivity at the Research Institute


Today Russia is one of the countries where experiments on primates are still carried out. Mr Lapin admits that his institute has received objections from European colleagues concerned about the experiments on animals. The Institute holds and experiments on 3,500 primates among Baboons, Macaques and Monkeys.

Tell Mr Lapin through this petition to seek a humane alternative to the use of primates in the space programme and the research facilities.

Additionally, send a polite e-mail to Mr Lapin and write letters to the following top officials:

The Research Institute of Medical Primatology
Veseloye 1 , Sochi-Adler , Krasnodar region 354376 Russia

Director: Boris Lapin
7 (8622) 422239
Fax: 7 (8622) 422239
E-mail: iprim@mail.sochi.ru

Key personnel:

O.Vyshemirsky, Deputy Science Director, Phone: 422862
V. Chalyan, Deputy Science Director, Phone: 422881
Rudolf Kebu, Business Manager, Phone: 422760

Learn more:

Website:  http://www.iprim.sochi.net/

Related site: http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/idp/idp/entry/153


A heartfelt thank you to each of you who lend your precious voice, signature and support to put and end to this cruelty.

Carmen Mandel-Cesareo
Petition creator
Dear Mr Lapin,

We, the undersigned, urge you to consider a humane alternative to the use of primates in the space programme and research facilities.  Nowadays, robotics and artificial intelligence successfully undertake and complete complex missions in outer space. Radiation,
weightless conditions and isolation will always be harmful to humans despite the experiments on primates.

Russia is a leading country in technology and space sciences. Yet, it remains one where experiments on primates are carried out, fact that has earnt world-wide objection.

Make this mission to Mars an example of innovation and advancement of the sciences. Base the Institute's pride and success
upon scientific research that respects life by using cutting-edge technology, not upon the use of defenseless primates who cannot exercise the choice to become cosmonauts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

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