Stop the U.S. from creating a nuclear waste dump in Mongolia

The Obama administration has held informal talks with Mongolia about the possibility that the Central Asian nation might host an international repository for nuclear waste. Mongolia contains some of the largest expanses of unspoiled nature on Earth, and does not have any ambitions to develop a nuclear program of its own. To litter its pristine environment with toxic, radioactive waste would be a horrible crime.

Please urge the U.S. Energy Department to abandon its goal to persuade the Mongolian government to accept an atomic waste dump on its sovereign soil.

An article on the subject can be read here:
We the undersigned call upon you to abandon the plan to create a repository for spent nuclear fuel in Mongolia.  The people of  Mongolia are proud of their country's unspoiled nature and concerned citizens all over the world do not approve of your idea to dump atomic waste there.  We strongly oppose the import of any nuclear material into Mongolia.

Please do not consider this peaceful and beautiful nation in your quest for a nuclear dump site.

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to read our very serious request.
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