Parelli Horse Abuse

  • av: Horse Lovers
  • mottagare: The many magazines and societies that support Parelli "horsemanship"
The Parelli's are a well respected "Natural Horsemanship" enterprise believed by many to be the epitome of kindness.  This video shows a very different reality...
What makes this video even more repulsive is the fact it is actually condoned by the Parelli's, and even features on one of their various "training" DVDs.  If they allow such treatment to be be witnessed by the public eye I fear what abuse may be perpetrated behind closed doors.
Linda Parelli is shown continually smacking the horse about and yanking his rope halter, a halter with knotted pressure points (to cause maximum pain) and a big metal clip where the rope attaches...  and a "Carrot Stick" which is nothing more than a whip with a friendly name!
It is nothing short of abuse to treat a horse like that, any horse, let alone a horse with only one eye, like the poor soul who features in the video.
The Parelli "reasoning" for this abusive display is because the horse is looking around, at the other horses and his environment, and not concentrating fully on her.  He has to move his head about to see what a fully sighted horse can see with their head held still.
Whatever this horse had done he did not deserve this kind of treatment.  He is far from a "bad horse", he is in fact very very tolerant, if he wasn't she would not have found bullying him such an easy experience.  Many horses confronted with such behaviour would react in a much more adverse way.
Linda Parelli has taught this horse absolutely nothing if his owner is lucky, it is more than likely that he has learnt to be wary of sticks and ropes and any more treatment of this kind would most certainly make him head shy.
This is abuse, there is no doubt about that, and I'd be very surprised if it was a one time occurrence.
To quote Linda Parelli from a recent magazine interview...
Q: What's your biggest bug bear?
A: People who abuse horses and know it.  Even worse, those who abuse them and don't know they are, because they're ignorant of a horse's needs.
We the undersigned request that you withdraw your support from the Parelli industry based on the appalling abuse shown to this poor horse by Linda Parelli in the video below and the outrage it has cause amongst many horse lovers.
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