Name Change for "The Dark Is Rising" Film

  • av: Renee Edd
  • mottagare: Fans of the Dark Is Rising Book Series
The Producers at Walden Media have mangled the storyline of the novel - The Dark Is Rising - so much so, that the title of the film should be changed. Although the rights were purchased the very heart of the books and story have been removed. Taking the story OUT of the UK, taking the mythology - Arthurian, Welsh, Pagan, and English OUT of the story has stripped The Dark Is Rising of it's essential elements. The story is not about some uber-wunderkind boy who is shy of girls and rich in magical know-how. The story is about the age-old battle of good versus evil told through the lens of Celtic, Pagan and Welsh mythology. Until these things are restored, the title of the movie should reflect the changes.

"And by Pendragons' Sword
The Dark Shall Fall"
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