Morning Joe's Gotta Go

  • av: Netroots
  • mottagare: MSNBC c/o Morning Joe

Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, needs to be removed from MSNBC now.

Scarborough doesn't have the ability to report balanced news without bias and belongs with a channel of a lesser stature, like FOX news.

Scarborough has shown personal resentment and unprofessional behavior toward various anchors, resulting in feuds instead of news. Scarborough is known for reporting news that reflects his own bias toward gender and race. Scarborough minimizing the accomplishments of African Americans implies that his views are based on racial resentment, and are offensive to all people and races that watch MSNBC. Also, the habitual verbal attacks of female anchors like Mika Brzezinski and Rachel Maddow need to stop immediately. 

Scarborough is tainting the fair and focused face of MSNBC.

Scarborough has got to go!

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