MOCA Mobilization

Organized by MOCA Mobilization, an independent community group formed to support the Museum and its staff.

On November 19th 2008, the public was informed that the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles has for some time been in a grave financial crisis and extreme measures were about to be taken with regard to the institution and its collection. With the museum in even greater trouble as rumors and partial truths fly, we, the undersigned, make the following public statement:

MOCA has an incomparable reputation. Widely regarded as the single best contemporary art museum in the world, its exhibitions have become art history. Since 1979, MOCA's reputation has attracted the admiration of internationally renowned artists and patrons of the arts. It is one of Los Angeles's great cultural institutions.

We support MOCA's staff as they suffer through this crisis. It is their work, their talent and their integrity that give the luster to this Museum. We acknowledge with pride the exceptional quality and quantity of ground-breaking exhibitions produced by MOCA. We appreciate the excellence of its permanent collection. For any one of these things to be diminished is to diminish the entire institution.

We are a vigilant public who care for the integrity and autonomy of MOCA. The Board of Trustees is the guardian of this great institution. It is the Board's responsibility to insure the Museum's financial health and preserve its programming and staff. We call upon the Trustees to maintain MOCA's independence and to keep its collection intact and accessible to a wide and appreciative public. 
Organized by MOCA Mobilization, an independent community group formed to support the Museum and its staff.

On November 19th 2008, the public was informed that the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles has for some time been in a grave financial crisis and extreme measures were about to be taken with regard to the institution and its collection. With the museum in even greater trouble as rumors and partial truths fly, we, the undersigned, make the following public statement:

MOCA has an incomparable reputation. Widely regarded as the single best contemporary art museum in the world, its exhibitions have become art history. Since 1979, MOCA's reputation has attracted the admiration of internationally renowned artists and patrons of the arts. It is one of Los Angeles's great cultural institutions.

We support MOCA's staff as they suffer through this crisis. It is their work, their talent and their integrity that give the luster to this Museum. We acknowledge with pride the exceptional quality and quantity of ground-breaking exhibitions produced by MOCA. We appreciate the excellence of its permanent collection. For any one of these things to be diminished is to diminish the entire institution.

We are a vigilant public who care for the integrity and autonomy of MOCA. The Board of Trustees is the guardian of this great institution. It is the Board's responsibility to insure the Museum's financial health and preserve its programming and staff. We call upon the Trustees to maintain MOCA's independence and to keep its collection intact and accessible to a wide and appreciative public. 
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