Make Laws to Protect Children & Individuals with Disabilities

In February of 2007, 13-year-old Jonathan Carey died while under the care of the state of New York when he was restrained by a careworker in a minivan while the driver did nothing. As a recent New York Times series by Danny Hakim attests, such abuse against children and individuals with disabilities is common. We need to see that laws are enacted to put basic safety measures in place to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.   Furthermore, we need to create better supports and services so children and individuals with disabilities can live with their families in community settings, with the assistance of well-trained and adequately supported careworkers.
We, the undersigned, ask that legislation be created  and passed to put basic safety measures in place to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. Furthermore, we ask that you see that better supports and services are created, so children and individuals with disabilities can live with their families in community settings, with the assistance of well-trained and adequately supported careworkers.
In February of 2007, 13-year-old Jonathan Carey died while under the care of the state of New York when he was restrained by a careworker in a minivan while the driver did nothing. As a recent New York Times series by Danny Hakim attests, such sickening and in humane abuse against children and individuals with disabilities is common.
The following measures are needed to protect children and individuals with disabilities:(1) Surveillance cameras in vehicles used to transport children and individuals with disabilities and in residences;(2)Immediate reporting to the police and district attorney of all alleged crimes such as physical or sexual abuse of the disabled by the mandatory reporter, eye witness or abuse hotline. There must be a safe cap on overtime hours allowed in a 7 day work week-no more than 60 hours(3)Better training and a certification process for careworkers.(4)Improved background checks which must include requirements of prior employers to disclose much more information about the individual, especially if they were fired or forced to resign because of abuse, neglect or maltreatment(5)Sincere whistleblower protection. 
If the safety and quality of life of individuals with disabilities were truly a top priority of the state of New York, measures like the above and others would have been put into place years ago, certainly following the uncovering of the abuses at Willowbrook. We must stop the horrific and inhumane abuse at state-run institutions: Atrocities are going on right now, and we must put an end to them.
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