Make QUORN Suitable for Vegans!

Quorn is made from mycoprotein and is a popular alternative to meat for many vegetarians or people who're simply trying to cut down on their meat consumption. However, unfortunately, this admittedly delicious and varied alternative to meat contains milk and eggs - this makes it unsuitable for vegans. The dairy and egg industries contain just as much cruelty as the meat industry does, and dairy and eggs are just as bad for you as meat is (fattening, linked to causes diseases, cancers etc.). For more information on veganism please visit:

We, the undersigned, believe that it is a great shame that you choose include milk and eggs in your "Quorn" products. 
The dairy and egg industries contain the same amount of cruelty as the meat industry does, and it has been proven that dairy and egg products are also as unhealthy as meat is.By using milk and egg alternatives in your products, you will not only make your delicious products suitable for a wider range of people, you will be making them healthier. In addition to this, you will also be reducing the amount of animal cruelty in the world.
We, the undersigned, urge you to use a cruelty-free, vegan alternative to the milk and eggs that you use in your products, for an ethical, suitable, delicious and healthy alternative to meat, which is appropriate for everyone.Thank you for your time.

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Thank you to everyone who has signed the 'Make Quorn Vegan' petition! We have reached over 1000 now which is fabulous, but I have set a target at 2000. The more signatures we have, the more likely Quorn will listen to our request!

Please forward and share this email/petition to your friends, family etc and help us reach a higher number for one last push! Your effort makes a great difference.

Thank you once again.

- Make Quorn Vegan.
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