Make certain acts of Animal Cruelty a Felony in Nevada

   On October 7th,2010 Raymond Rios a 46 year old transient living in his van used a box cutter to fatally wound his dog.  He claimed his dog "Cooney" a pit bull beagle mix was in pain. He said her stomach was bulging due to a mouse that had crawled inside of her.  He pinned her down in the bathtub of a Reno Motel and sliced her open with a box cutter.  He reported to police that he squeezed her in an attempt to get the mouse out.
Rios took her bloody carcass to the SPCA of Northern Nevada and told authorities there what he had done and he wanted to dispose of her body.  The shelter manager contacted Reno Police Department who arrived to find "Cooney's bloody mutilated body in the back of Rios's van in a garbage bag.  The Police called Animal Control to pick up the remains and do a bite report as "Cooney" bit Rios several times during the incident. The Police did not arrest Rios even though he admitted under miranda what he had done and gave a written statement. Rios drove away that night as of nothing happened. The police said they would submit the case for a warrant review-they never did.  Animal Control stepped in took the case over and sought out their own warrant.  Rios was arrested December 24th,2010 for misdemeanor animal cruelty. He was found competent to stand trial and on February 14th 2011 plead guilty to misdemeanor animal cruelty.  He is now walking the streets after a short stint in jail and not allowed to have dogs for two years?? He will more than likely re-offend in some way and after two years he can legally own a dog again.
"Cooney" died a horrific and brutal death don't let it be in vain and honor her memory.
 Please support Senate Bill 223 in the current 2011 Nevada Legislative session. This bill named "Cooney's" law will  make certain willfull and malicious acts of cruelty punishable by a felony!  SB 223 is sponsored by Senators Breeden,Parks, and Manendo, and jointly sponsored by Assemblyman Segerblom.
Current Nevada law only allows a first offense felony for the fighting of animals,mistreatment of a police animal, or a show dog..
Lets send a message to potential offenders and be the voice for the animals who have tragically lost their lives or been seriously injured. 
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