Lets Go Clean Coal, Hell NO Baby!!! More Kingston Mine Gifts to the people and environment!
Marry Christmas from Kingston Coal mine Tennessee. They just had a disaster 40 times bigger than the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Effecting the drinking all the way down to Alabama.
There is an up side. It is ok to drink the water for a few days because Although video from the scene shows dead fish on the banks of the tributary, he said that "in terms of toxicity, until an analysis comes in, you can't call it toxic." Interview from Cnn. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/12/23/tennessee.sludge.spill/index.html. mineral water right............
The wet ash contains concentrated amounts of mercury, arsenic and benzine is covering 400 acres of land and 15 homes not including what has entered the drinking water. Which can cause cancer and neurological problems and increases the risk of cancer several hundread fold. When it dries then it will be dust and the wind will be carrying concentrated amounts of mercury, arsenic and benzine for all to breath. Boiling water will not remove heavy metals.
Coal is not going to change to green it will always be filthy black even when you use the term clean coal.
The mining process will always be destructive and dangerous.
Going Green is starting to look real good and much healthier. Its expensive so how much is you life worth, how about you kids how much are they worth. This is a price tag issue because green is expensive, not as expensive as a new clean coal plant or mining it.
Education has been great for the small stuff but the price is still out of reach for the average Joe.
Please sign this petition Letter to the environmental agencies.
As much as we want government to do more for green energy, they are slow to act. We need to end our dependence on Coal and foreign oil now. Collectively we can with your help. Please set up a special donation fund to buy land and start building green energy that can be owned by the communities or sold to the electric companies. Currently existing cold geothermal technologies could be use all over the united states, and world like that used at Chena Alaska. http://www.chenahotsprings.com/index.php?id=90 It is reliable and can be used 24 hours a day. It is also cheaper than natural gas. Theirs 4 thousand years worth of accessible energy today, if the sun keeps shining it is limitless. When people start seeing first hand how this technology works, if they were to here their neighboring cities were paying less for electricity then more would be built, and less people would say the technology is not their yet. We would like you to continue to work on legislation, but we want and need green producing energy now. You have the collective ability to start this action by requesting donations for buying land and building green power plants in areas that would affect large populations. Cold Geo is a great way to do this because of the reliability, The fact that it can be used every where makes it perfect. Profits from the plants could go directly to building more. Then given to the people of the community. Please join with other environmental protection groups to use your networking ability collect the funds needed to make this happen. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/green-power-plants
If you have the time e-mail all the green companys and send them a copy of this letter or one of your own.
Thank you
your Health mine and future generations.
Green peace E-mail: info@wdc.greenpeace.org
The Climate Project Email: info@theclimateproject.org
Green Nessus http://www.greennexxus.com/contacts.aspx
Clean Air foundation http://www.cleanairfoundation.org/contact_caf.asp
Environmental Defense Fund http://www.edf.org/email.cfm?contentID=6787
The nature conservancy http://www.nature.org/contactus/?src=f3
The national Audubon society http://www.audubon.org/nas/contact.html
Union of Concerned Scientists http://www.ucsusa.org/about/public-information-request.html
Natural resource defense council nrdcinfo@nrdc.org nrdcinfo@nrdc.orggenom att skriva under accepterar du användarvillkor för Care2 Du kan hantera dina epostabonnemang när som helst.
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