Let Toronto Zoo Experts Decide the Best New Home For Their Elephants

Back on May 12th a decision was made by the Toronto Zoo Board of Management to send the zoo's three Elephants to another accredited facility.

On Oct 25th this decision was overturned in a surprise last minute motion by a Toronto City Councilor and a new decision was made to send the elephants to the PAWS facility in California.

This was a decision made without a full understanding of the many needs of these animals and the many risks these animals face in traveling such a far distance.

There are no people more qualified to make the decision on which facility is best for these elephants than those who have devoted their lives to caring for them. These are the professionals that know these elephants and their needs better than anyone.

Please sign this petition to help us urge Toronto City Council to change this motion to allow the elephant experts at the Toronto Zoo to research and decide which facility is best for these elephants taking all of their physical and psychological needs into consideration.

If PAWS is the best facility then it loses nothing by being compared to the other accredited institutions. But, if a better facility is found then it is in the best interest of these elephants that they be sent there instead.

The safety and well being of these elephants is too important not to consider all available options for relocation and let the people who know best what the elephants need make this very important decision on their behalf.

These elephants have brought joy into the lives of countless people who have visited them at the Toronto Zoo. We owe the elephants this.

If anyone has any questions regarding this issue please contact the keepers on their Facebook page "The Toronto Zoo Elephant Keepers".

Thank you for taking the time to help us help them and PLEASE pass this on to everyone who cares as much about the future of these amazing animals as we do!

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