Let moms travel with strollers!

Alyse Nelson and her husband did a brave thing. They decided to go car-free when they had a baby. That's right. Nelson decided NOT to get the gas guzzling, eco-destroying land rover. Instead, she takes her baby on the bus that runs conveniently through her Seattle neighborhood. 

But the first day she tried to board the bus with her baby, she learned that King County Metro has a bizarre anti-baby policy that makes life extra difficult for commuting moms: they don't let moms have open strollers on the bus. Nelson had to pull her baby out of his stroller, somehow get him along with a diaper bag, toys, groceries, and of course the folded stroller up the stairs and onto the bus while fellow passengers fumed at the lost time. Then she had to repeat the process in reverse when she arrived at her destination.  Unfriendly policies like these sure don't make it any easier for families who want to live sustainably. Tell King County Metro to let moms take their strollers on the bus!
It's so often the little things that make it possible for people to live in harmony with their natural habitat. Alyse Nelson and her husband don't ask for much. At a time when so many young couples throw environmental concerns to the wind and go for the gas guzzling mini-van, they decided to put their faith in public transportation and reduce their environmental footprint. You can help them with a small modification to your policies. We the undersigned ask that you let moms keep their children in strollers while on the bus.
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