Lego - use recycled materials please!

Lego, one of the world's best known toy manufacturers cranks out 20 billion Lego bricks a year. The plastic used in Lego is mostly acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, or ABS.

Acrylonitrile is produced from propylene and ammonia; butadiene is a petroleum hydrocarbon and styrene monomers are derived from coal. It's quite a chemical and fossil fuel cocktail. Read more about the plastic in Lego here.

While the durability of Lego products and the company's involvement in the community is to be applauded, given the huge amounts of Lego bricks being produced, the company could be doing so much more closer to home on a sustainability level by using more recycled plastics in their products and post-consumer recycled content in their packaging.

This petition serves to encourage Lego to seriously examine this possibility and to alert the company that people who buy Lego products are concerned with environmental issues and expect the Lego to be doing the utmost in relation to their impact on the planet.

Posted by the team at - "Inspired people creating positive social change"

We the undersigned wish to communicate our concerns to Lego over the lack of recycled materials in your products.

The plastic used in Lego is mostly acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, or ABS.
Acrylonitrile is produced from propylene and ammonia; butadiene is a petroleum hydrocarbon and styrene monomers are derived from coal. ABS is also a recyclable material, but according to Lego's sustainability report, it would appear that recycled materials outside of those garnered from the production process do not feature in your products.

Lego is an influential company and while we applaud some of your sustainability related activities; as environmentally conscious consumers of Lego products and generally concerned shareholders and citizens, we strongly encourage your company to look closer to home to the raw materials in your products and their impact on the environment. Specifically, we wish to see Lego bricks containing an appreciable level of recycled plastics and packaging made from post-consumer recycled content.

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