Help Solve The Murder of Lacey Gaines

Lacey Gaines was brutally murdered in her own home on December 7th, 2009. Lacey was found stabbed and strangled in her own home. According to police Lacey may have known her attacker and have offered a $1,000 dollar reward to any tips leading to the arrest of her killer.

We, the undersigned urge America's Most Wanted to help find the killer of Lacey Gaines, a young mother who was brutally murdered in the sanctuary of her own home on December 7th, 2009. We seek justice for the unsolved murder and wish to see the killer convicted and held accountable. Lacey Gaines was a victim of domestic violence prior to her murder and may have known her killer.

We, the undersigned strongly believe that an effort of Americas Most Wanted to help find the killer would assure that Lacey Gaines young son and family are protected from any further danger.

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