Demanding Clearer Labelling

As consumers, we are having to make daily purchasing decisions without being privy to the ingredients or product testing history of the things that we buy. This petition is calling for new legislation that forces companies to clearly label their product packaging, listing the ingredients in more accessible language. Further, companies are not forced to declare the testing history of the individual ingredients within a product, or of a product as a whole, and so the consumer is buying blindly and unable to make an informed decision; we are financing animal testing without knowing it. This petition is pushing for transparency on all product labelling.

The new coalition has said that any petition with more than 100,000 signatures will be debated in the House. The argument for this legislation not only comes from an anti-animal testing ideology, but even more simply, it is a matter of consumer rights; we have the right to know how and with what all products are made. For more details please see

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