Keep America Meeting

Corporate meetings enhance employee and partner performance, fuel company growth and profitability, support the needs of local communities and aid the American economy as a whole.

It is up to the meeting professionals and the industries that support and enhance this critical business to make sure that fair and balanced information reaches the ears of our legislators, the public at large, and the media.

By electronically signing this petition you will lend your support and help send a message to our legislators nationwide that we need them to take the proactive step of publicly supporting the meetings & events industry in order to hasten the US recovery. 

This electronic petition will be delivered  by Keep America Meeting to the White House, to every member of Congress, and to the leadership of businesses in the Fortune 200.

We the undersigned believe meetings build businesses and are an important part of our nation's recovery.

Meetings that are well executed and designed to meet specific company goals greatly contribute to company profits.

When you sign, your name and state will be added to the list to show your support.

Thank you for your support!

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