Keep the French Department at Southeastern Louisiana University

Update: the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors officially eliminated the program last Friday unfortunately. I will be making a point to send this petition to as many people as possible, including Dr. Crain and the Board of Supervisors, in the coming days. I thank you all for your help and for the 1000 signatures, and I ask you to please continue to get the word out about this travesty. I believe that as many people as possible should be aware of what Southeastern is doing to its French program and to its school and to the history and culture of Louisiana. Dr. Crain and the Board of Supervisors should be ashamed of themselves. If you can, feel free to send them emails and letters about this. I won't let this issue go away without a fight. If you need information or want to do even more, don't hesitate to email me at Thank you.

In the past few weeks, it has been decided to eliminate the French and French education degree programs from Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, LA. The university mailed letters to the students who are currently in the French program telling them that they have until Summer 2011 to complete their degree. An article by The Advocate says that Dr. Crain stated that they should either switch majors or switch schools.

The problem with this is that not everybody has the means of starting at a new university. Southeastern offers a more affordable tuition than many others in the state, and some students don't have any way to commute to any other school. Telling the students that they should do this does not factor either of these into their decision. 
Telling students that they can switch majors makes no sense; to what major should they switch? And in doing so would not be conducive to finding a career after they graduate.

Here is the article from the Advocate:
Here is a letter I wrote and sent out to as many people as possible, including Dr. Crain:
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