• av: Save KVRX & TSTV
  • mottagare: Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees
KVRX and TSTV are at risk of being sold. Show your support for KVRX and TSTV and your rejection of any proposal to sell the broadcast licenses to accommodate Texas Student Media (TSM) budget deficits. 
The sale of broadcast licenses was proposed to UT administration by the former Director of TSM without informing the TSM Board of Operating Trustees. A board meeting scheduled for Monday, February 27, includes the following item on the agenda: "Discussion and possible action regarding the existence and communication of any proposals to sell the broadcast licenses of Texas Student Media."
Send a strong message to the TSM Board that you want KVRX and TSTV to be around for years to come.
We the undersigned pledge our support to continue the legacies of KVRX and TSTV as integral members of Texas Student Media. We reject outright any proposal to liquidate these valuable assets of student learning and career experience. All proposals for improvement of Texas Student Media should focus on improving all media entities for long-term growth and success while putting student efforts and learning at the forefront.

The programming of KVRX and TSTV take into account the diverse fabric of the University of Texas campus and the greater Austin community. Alumni of both organizations pursue a variety of careers in entertainment and media industries. The skills acquired from KVRX and TSTV rely on the full support of Texas Student Media and its Board of Operating Trustees.

KVRX’s recent pledge drive took in an estimated total of $12,000, including a matching grant of $4,000 by an anonymous KVRX alum. Zach Anner recently donated to $33,333.33 to TSTV. The financial support of alumni and community members is a point of strength that should be explored more fully with professional resources. Development is integral to non-profit, public, and independent media. With experienced professional input, students can acquire development skills that apply to careers in media. We propose assigning a member of the TSM staff to work in development in order to raise funds necessary to the future of these organizations. Perennial donation efforts supplemented by someone dedicated to these endeavors will bring in further revenue streams that will benefit TSM as a whole.

The Director of Texas Student Media is hired for the benefit of all student media organizations. Any future candidate for the position who does not have the best interests of all organizations in mind should not be considered. All options should be explored before any proposals to liquidate valuable assets are considered. Any such proposals deserve an open dialogue between the Board of Operating Trustees, student managers, professional staff, and alumni.

Please consider our support and suggestions to ensure a strong and beneficial future for all types of student media.
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