Keep Duane Edward Hiser In Prison

September 10,1985 Duane Edward Hiser brutally strangled and stabbed our classmate and friend  11 year old  Carolyn Ann Hahn.  She was killed in her  home while she was watching tv and doing homework.  His actions have affected the lives of her family as well as the lives of her friends.  On behalf of our friend's memory we ask that you consider not giving Duane Edward Hiser another chance  to do this to another child in the future.

We the undersigned,
 Ask that you consider  Not  granting Duane Edward Hiser parole.  
He brutally strangeld and stabbed our friend Carolyn Hahn who was just 11 at the time of her death.  Mr Hiser has something that he took away from her and that his life.  Since he took hers we feel that he should pay for it with the rest of his behind bars. He should not be allowed to rejoin society and possibly do this to another child. His actions impacted  not only the victim's family but her classmates and friends as well.  
We thank you for taking the time to consider our pettion while revieiwing this case.
Friends of Carolyn Hahn
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