Keep Chicago Strong!! Save "The Chicago Code"

    “The Chicago Code” is FOX television’s newest Monday night show, airing in the 8:00 PM CST timeslot. Despite steady numbers, the show is still facing not being renewed for a second season. Recent ratings show the series holds steady anywhere between 7-8 million viewers since its premiere on Feb. 07, 2011.

      Like any other good story "The Chicago Code" needs more than 1 season to really tell it all. "The Chicago Code" paints a picture giving viewers a look at the deep roots of Chicago history, it’s multi-cultural appeal, the corruption that lies within and diversity that makes Chicago one of the most American of all America’s cities.

     Season 1 of "The Chicago Code" brought in approximately $25 million dollars in revenue to the local community and kept thousands of jobs in the city during these challenging times. Join us to ignite the flame of the spirit of possibilities, and keep this story going.

 Please sign in your name to save "The Chicago Code".

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