Keep Bideawee's Wantagh Shelter Open

  • av: 2animallovers
  • mottagare: Officers and Members of the Board of Directors of Bideawee

An article in the February 22, 2009 issue of Newsday announced that the Board of Directors of Bideawee has decided to close their Wantagh adoption center effective March 8, 2009.   We simply cannot allow this to happen and ask that you read and sign our petition to Bideawee's Board of Directors requesting that they reverse their decision.  Time is of the essence, as the proposed closing date is less that 2 weeks away; therefore we need every who is concerned with local animal welfare not only to sign this petition, but to forward it to everyone you can think of. 

Bideawee Wantagh performs a critical service to our local community.  Without their loving care of the hundreds and thousands of animals they have rescued and placed for adoption over the years, most of these dogs and cats would have been euthanized.  Now more than ever, with economic hardships affecting so many families who simply can no longer afford to keep their beloved pets, Bideawee Wantagh is an absolute necessity and one of the few lifelines available to the ever growing numbers of dogs and cats who are in need of loving homes. 

A recent email newsletter from Little Shelter in Huntington, citing the announcement of Bideawee's closing stated:  "The situation has escalated!  The animals desperately need your help NOW!  Please don't wait until it's too late!"

Please join us in petitioning the Bideawee's Board to revisit their decision and, at the very least, postpone any action to close the Wantagh shelter until every viable alternative has been exhausted.

The lives of untold numbers of dogs and cats hang in the balance.  Please don't let them down.

Ms. Nancy Taylor, President & CEO
Ms. Mary M. Luria, Esq, Chairperson
Officers, Members and Members Emeritus of the
      Board of Directors of Bideawee

We the undersigned respectfully request that you revisit your decision to close the Bideawee Wantagh adoption center on March 8, 2009.  At the very least, we request that you postpone any action to close the Wantagh shelter until every viable alternative has been exhausted.

While we recognize that your decision was based on declining revenue, the closing of the Wantagh shelter is too great a loss for our community.  Now, more than ever, with economic hardships affecting so many families who simply can no longer afford to keep their beloved pets, Bideawee Wantagh is an absolute necessity and one of the few lifelines available to the ever growing numbers of dogs and cats who are in need of loving homes.  If you proceed with your plans to close this shelter, countless innocent pets will be euthanized, a situation that is simply unacceptable.

In addition, the staff of the Wantagh shelter are the most loving, caring and professional in the area, and deserve at least the same humane treatment that they have given to so many homeless dogs and cats over the years; not 2 weeks' notice that their jobs and their beloved shelter will cease to exist! 

We thank you in advance for your immediate and sincere consideration of this request and are sure that once you have carefully reviewed your decision, you will agree that it must be reversed.

Friends of Bideawee, Wantagh
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