Keep All The Small Things Going!!

  • av: Gem
  • mottagare: Ben Stephenson; Head Of Drama Commissioning
The BBC produced this wonderful six-episode series earlier this year, which had an exceedingly talented cast, with the likes of : Sarah Lancashire, Sarah Alexander, Neil Pearson, Richard Fleeshman, and Bryan Dick. The storylines were inspriational, and a pure joy to follow, and the singing and acting was just incredible.   Everyone I have spoke to about All the Small things said how much they loved it, and couldn't wait for the next episode!  Yet despite pulling in on average over 4milllion viewers for each episode, (and considering that nearly every episode was in competition with the football that is a huge majority of the population), the BBC have decided not to commission a second season, leaving many storylines hanging loose, and many viewers without a Tuesday night show!   Many people I know have contacted the BBC about this, but nothing has really made an impact, so lets try and show the BBC how popular All The Small Things are, and try and get a second series on our screens.Please please please sign and put your mark!
Firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. 
There was a definite air of disappointment, when it was heard there wasn't going to be a second series of All The Small Things. It was a fantastic series, one that the BBC should be thoroughly proud of. However, one series of this programme isn't enough, and the public would definitely love more of this talent-packed series.
Considering nearly every week, the episodes were shown at the same time as football matches on other channels, the ratings were high, and with an average of 4million viewers each week, it was clearly a popular drama.
Please will you reconsider the commissioning of a second series, I can guarantee you will not be let down, for the fans of the show will be watching eagerly. It was such an inspirational drama, it would be a disappointment to stop it now!
We are aware that we are only a small sample of the viewers, however we are sure we speak for all of the viewers when we, the petition signers, ask you to reconsider your decision to not commission a second series, or at least give us a programme or two to tie up all the open story ends we were all hoping would be answered eventually!

Thank you again for your time! We really appreciate it!
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