Kansans For Medical Marijuana

Dear Kansas Legislators:
We are your constituents and neighbors and we are outraged by the continuing suffering of Kansans who are needlessly sick and dying because we have not provided them with safe access to the medicine they need. 

We ask that you protect the right of patients and doctors to treat illnesses in the manner they believe works best, which includes the use of medical marijuana, by providing Kansans with Compassionate Care legislation.

Modern Medical research has discovered beneficial uses for marijuana in treating or alleviating the pain or other symptoms associated with certain debilitating medical conditions.  Kansans deserve a new law that allows physicians to prescribe marijuana for relief from symptoms associated with such diseases as Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, AIDS, Crohn's Disease, and other serious illnesses.

We ask that Kansas provide Compassionate Care Legislation to protect from arrest, prosecution, property forfeiture, and criminal and other penalties those Kansans who might use marijuana under their physicians's supervision in order to alleviate suffering.

It is clear that science and the public support medical marijuana legislation.  Other states have legally recognized marijuana's potential for the safe and effective treatment of medical illnesses.  The Federal Government has now adopted a posture deferring to the state's own enacted legislation approving medical cannabis  use.  Kansas voters deserve to be included among those who have been granted compassionate access to cannabis for relief of pain and disease.
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