Impose Maxium Prison Sentence for Torture of Cat

A man and two boys confined a one year old short-haired domestic female cat in a microwave oven which was switched on, a tumble dryer which was switched on and confined her in a freezer subjecting her to mental and physical torture.

Colin Sherlock, 44, and two boys, aged 16 and 17, have appeared in court in Devon, England accused of 'physically and mentally' torturing a cat.

The one-year-old cat's owner - a boy of four - was heartbroken by the cruelty inflicted on his pet. It's believed the man who was arrested was his uncle.

Investigating officer, Pc Phil Colley, said the footage showed the cat being put in the microwave for 10 seconds before being pulled out and put into a tumble drier for another 10 seconds.

The terrified cat is then picked up by the scruff of the neck and put in a freezer before being shoved into a bowl of dishwater. PC Phil Colley said of the attack in Teignmouth, Devon: "The cat was reportedly smoking after being let out of the microwave having suffered terribly. I was horrified when I saw the footage." RSPCA Inspector Jim Farr said: "We are not sure what damage has been done inside the animal. It is obviously very traumatised."

The charge alleged: "You caused unnecessary suffering to a female short-haired domestic cat by subjecting her to mental and physical torture through confining her in a microwave oven which was switched on, a tumble dryer which was switched on and by confining her in a freezer."

We asked if found guilty of this shocking case of animal cruelty that all 3 recieve the longest prison sentence possible.


The Court House
Union Street
Torquay Devon
DX 98740 Torquay 4

South Devon Magistrates Court

Riviera House

Nicholson Rd


Devon TQ2 7TT

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