Discrimination is illegal by Federal & State Law in America . The Oklahoma Cherokee & the North Carolina Cherokee continually discriminate against a vast number of Cherokee Descendants.

Their claim is, there are no Black Cherokee and all others who do not fit into their ONE CHEROKEE CENSUS are Wannabees.

This could not be further from the truth. Many Cherokee descendants live work & serve in the USA . Most have Ancestry Charts to prove their Cherokee Ancestry. This includes the Chickamauga Cherokee, many of whom declared to stay and fight for our Ancestral Lands after the Horrific Trail of Tears Removal by Andrew Jackson in 1838.

Many of the Black descendants ancestors are even found on this, ONE Cherokee Census, the Dawes Roll, and still they are forbidden admittance.

The Chickamauga Creek Cherokee are treated no better. Bitter and hateful names and blatant discrimination, follow many Chickamauga American Indian descendants.

We ask You to help STOP this ruthless discrimination against America %u2019s first People. Please sign this Petition, to be sent to Lawmakers, to end discrimination NOW!

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