I Love My Obamacare

We must STOP the Repeal of Health Care Reform.  With your efforts we will RE-Frame Obamacare as a democratic Achievement to Provide Access to Health Care for All Americans.  Sign this petition to help change Obamacare into a positive, helpful term that will help re-elect Obama and pro-healthcare Senators and Congress members.  Your help will show that Obamacare is having a constructive impact on the health and economic well-being of American families, individuals, businesses, and our national economy. 

Were you as distraught as I was by the 47-51 US Senate vote February 6 on an amendment to repeal Obamacare.  Many fear that over the next 19 months at least 4 Democratic Senators might fold under intense re-election pressure, and join the reactionary healthcare opponents and vote for repeal.  While it takes 60 votes to pass a repeal, the fact that a majority of the Senate may be for repeal will hurt our efforts to build more pro healthcare support and elect pro healthcare candidates.

The opposition to Obamacare has been led by the greedy pharmacy and health insurance industries that has misinformed and lied to Americans about health care reform, Obamacare.  Those who do not want all Americans to have good health care reiterate similar lies used against Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s.  Apparently the opponents have luckily escaped, so far, from any health problems that Obamacare provides solutions for, including:     

Being under 26 years of age and can%u2019t afford insurance,

Having a pre-existing condition,

Becoming ill and your insurance is cancelled,

Working for a small business that can%u2019t afford insurance,

Elderly can%u2019t afford bloated prices for needed drugs,

Can%u2019t afford preventive and wellness services,

Working for minimum wage but don%u2019t qualify for Medicaid,

Have a chronic illness but can%u2019t afford coverage,

and 42 other serious daily problems that millions painfully face.

Your help is crucial by signing this petition, emailing and phone calling your US Senators and Congress member, and forwarding this message to your friends and family.  Each of us must do all we can to prevent repeal of our current health care reforms and to improve Obamacare.

We Americans urge you to vote NO against repeal of Obamacare, the usual term for the historic and crucial Affordable Care Act.  Thank you if you are voting NO. 

If you have not voted NO so far, we implore you to vote NO and to do all you can to Re-Frame Obamacare as an Achievement to Provide Access to Health Care for All Americans.

We all must work hard to change Obamacare into a positive, helpful term that will help re-elect pro-healthcare Senators and Congress members.  Your help will show that Obamacare is having a constructive impact on the health and economic well-being of American families, individuals, businesses, and our national economy. 

Many were distraught by the 47-51 US Senate vote February 6 on an amendment to repeal Obamacare.  We fear some pro healthcare Senators might fold under intense re-election pressure, and join the reactionary healthcare opponents to vote for repeal.  While it takes 60 votes to repeal, the fact that a majority of the Senate may be for repeal will hurt our efforts to build more pro healthcare support and elect pro healthcare candidates.

The opposition to Obamacare has been led by greedy pharmacy and health insurance companies that has misinformed and lied to Americans about Obamacare, just as was done against Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s. 

Apparently those who do not want all Americans to have good healthcare have luckily escaped, so far, from any problems that Obamacare provides solutions for, including:     

Being under 26 years of age and can%u2019t afford insurance,

Having a pre-existing condition,

Becoming ill and your insurance is cancelled,

Working for a small business that can%u2019t afford insurance,

Elderly can%u2019t afford bloated prices for needed drugs,

Can%u2019t afford preventive and wellness services,

Working for minimum wage but don%u2019t qualify for Medicaid,

Have a chronic illness but can%u2019t afford coverage,

and other serious daily problems that millions painfully face.

Each of us must do all we can to prevent repeal of our current health care reforms and to improve Obamacare.  Thank you.

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