Help Haiti: Text to give $10

Ten dollars or one day without a meal. You CAN help.

Instead of deciding what you or your family will eat today, help those that lost thier families and those who are starving with thier family.

The damages of the earthquake make it a risk to help, though to not help is more of a risk. With 80% of the population living under poverty levels and 54% in abject poverty: Poverty is poverty. They did not only lose items they may have cherished. They lost lives and shelter.

Show the world that you believe in helping and giving hope and that will be returned to each of us. We cannot achieve until we create it. Help by reaching out and inspiring others if you are unable to fly there, adopt or financially help.

There are more ways to help and give support. Create more hope for Haiti.

How? Here are two simple ways to help those in Haiti.

1: Discuss the realities there and inspire others to help.

2: Donate to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort.

3: Donate online to the Red Cross or donate ten dollars by texting 'HAITI' to 90999. It is easy and simply charged to your cell phone bill.

Instead of a fast food meal today, give many meals with only ten dollars to those that need it and do not have a choice of which meal to eat.

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