Help Amber O'Neal, Ryan O'Reilly, & Krissy Vaine go on Ghost Hunters

Sometime ago Krissy Vanie was Tweeting about Ghosthunters one wed. about it. They are huge fans and watch every week. A fan wrote in for them and were told that if they get enough support that they could be on the show.

Amber O'Neal and Krissy Vaine are known as Team Blondage,, they travel across the country wrestling. Ryan O'Reilly is a professional wrestler that has been on ECW on Sci Fi some years ago. He formerly wrestled in Deep South Wrestling and is currently wrestling in the Carolinas.

A petition has been started at to help them go on the show.

So please help Amber O'neal, Ryan O'Reilly, and Krissy Vaine go on Sci Fi Channel's "Ghost Hunters". Sign this petition and help them go on the show

You can follow them at
Amber O'neal
Twitter @ambertb20

Ryan O'Reilly
twitter @Shamrock7988

Krissy Vaine
we the undersigned petition Sci Fi Channels' "Ghost Hunters" to Help Amber O'Neal, Ryan O'Reilly, and Krissy Vaine go on Sci Fi Channel's "Ghost Hunters
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