Help a girl go back to her family after being abused in Mexico

  • av: Ciudadanos de México y del Mundo
  • mottagare: Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres AC,, Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF), Insittuto Nacional de Migración México.
    Violan en México a niña migrante; iba a EU a reunirse con sus padres:
 An 8 years old salvadoran girl was abused in mexican territory in her way to go back  to her parents, living in USA. After complaint was made, mexican institutions have kept her isolated, allowing her grandmother to visit her only for 15 minutes.Yet knowing that this girl is under threat of death of the criminal group The Mara Salvatrucha, Migration of Mexico has decided to deport  this girl back to El Salvador, where her life is in inminent danger.
1) Do not deport her back to El Salvador, guaranteeing her life and the fulfillment of human rights.2) Give the girl's custody to her grandmother.
3) Help her assemble back with her parents.

Una niña migrante de origen salvadoreño fue violada cuando viajaba por territorio nacional para reunirse con sus padres en Estados Unidos. Después de haber interpuesto la denuncia, la niña fue llevada a un DIF donde se le mantiene alejada de su abuela, quien pide la custodia y sólo ha podido visitar a su nieta por 15 minutos.A pesar de que la vida de la niña ha sido amenazada por grupos criminales como Los Mara Salvatrucha, Migración de México ha determinado deportarla a El Salvador donde su vida corre inminente peligro.
Exhortemos a las autoridades,1) Que no proceda la deportación, y que garanticen su vida y sus derechos humanos.2) Que la custodia sea concedida a su abuela.3) Funja como facilitador para reunir a la niña con sus padres.

In Mexico, many citizens and civil organisations are now working to fight violence and criminality, because of this narcotraphic war we're suffering.But we can't close our eyes to the causes and consequences of this war.
An 8 years old girl has just being sexually abused in mexican territory, in her way to meet back her parents who, because of the poor conditions in El Salvador, went to USE trying to look for a better life.
She is now in the hands of mexican goberment and institutions, who not taking consideration of the danger she is in, have decided to deport her back to El Salvador, having her isolated from her grandmother, who claims the custody.
An 8 years old  girl is in pain, alone, victim of criminal violence and institutional negligence...

We can't let this girl's life fall in abandon.

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