HB 568 Ohio Pit Bull Ban

 Ohio House Bill 568, introduced by Representative Tyrone Yates of Cincinnati, seeks to prohibit the ownership, keeping, or harboring of a dog that "belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull dog." Furthermore, if this bill is passed and adopted into law, all such dogs will be seized and euthanized...**THIS INCLUDES YOUR FAMILIES PET** It is imperative that all concerned dog owners in Ohio contact their elected representatives and express their vehement opposition to this draconian legislation.

HB 568 unacceptably provides that:

* No person shall own, keep, or harbor a dog that belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull dog.
* No later than 90 days after the effective date of this bill, a person who owns, keeps, or harbor a pit bull dog will be forced to surrender the dog to a dog warden.
* Within ten days of surrender, the dog warden shall euthanize the dog.
* If an officer has probable cause to believe that a dog is a pit bull, the officer may apply for a search warrant. After obtaining a search warrant, an officer shall seize the dog and transfer the dog to the dog warden, who shall euthanize the dog within 10 days.

Click here for a copy of this bill

Please help stop this. All it takes is some half brained dog warden to think your lab or lab mix looks like a pitbull. Don't let this happen....If it does your breed could be next! Speak out against it!

All concerned Ohio dog owners should contact their elected representatives and express their strong opposition to HB 568. To find your elected representatives, click here: http://www.house.state.oh.us/index.php?option=com_displaymembers&Itemid=73

**UPDATE**---Update May 24, 2008: H.B. 568, the proposal to ban pit bulls from Ohio, has been assigned to the State Government and Elections Committee.
 I am asking you to write or call and urge them to vote NO on H.B. 568.

State Government and Elections Commitee members email addresses:

It takes just one minute to send a email saying NO to HB 568!

Thank you for your support...since this petition has met and exceeded its goal I have now raised it to 5,000 signatures! Please pass this on to ANY and everyone you know with a dog...especially a pit bull!
Petition created by Erica L Lundy Erica.Lundy@Gmail.com
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