Halt the Copenhagen treaty and summit

  • av: USWGO.COM
  • mottagare: United Nations, President of the United States, world leaders

The Copenhagen treaty will not only bring worldwide violence and revolutionary wars, genocide and genocide camps (or fema camps for short for those that resist against the future world regime) , and would be the framework to create a worldwide fascist regime that would be the end of not just America but the sovereignty and freedom of any country around the world.

To keep international peace I vow that the Copenhagen treaty must be halted in order by this petition by the people of the world in order to keep sovereignty and international peace. This treaty will also lead to carbon taxes on all facets of human behavior which may also lead to bloodshed, rebellions, increases in terrorist attacks and recruits, and lead to public executions and martial law.

So in other words Copenhagen is a threat to international peace and will do nothing to save the environment. Copenhagen will just transfer all the earths resources to the control by an elite, of the elite, and for the elite of super rich politicians and they will be misusing the peoples resources while the people hardly get any. This will lead to an even more angered public then even under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton for selling our jobs via the NAFTA trade agreement.

So this petition hereby authorizes that by the people of the world we want to halt the Copenhagen treaty and we want investigation of all environmental organizations involved with Copenhagen for evidence of corruption and abuse of authority.

All countries sovereignty is important to not just cultures, but to peoples personal lives because if somebody refuses to obey a stupid law they could goto prison but can goto a country where they are accepted and a worldwide American/British regime would create a defacto one world law and standards where all people must obey or goto prison. A one world government would end peoples personal freedoms and would standardize and federalize a world control regime. A government can make stupid laws that never should have been passed and those mistakes could lead to mass imprisonment of innocent people and stupification of the public.

This one world government is not the answer to our problems and will not create peace but create more violence and disrespect to our policemen.

This world government is also a trick to reduce the human population under the guise that carbon is evil and that we need to reduce it. It will lead to worldwide executions and bloodbaths.

Peace must be maintained and can only be maintained if sovereignty is maintained. Please sign this petition if you are for sovereignty and if you are for a better way, another solution to help clean the environment.

signed by Brian D. Hill of USWGO, and activists that sign this petition, shall be sent to the delegates of the UN

This petition was created by the USWGO Political Action Center:


The organization Responsible for the petition:

The Copenhagen treaty will not only bring worldwide violence and revolutionary wars, genocide and genocide camps (or fema camps for short for those that resist against the future world regime) , and would be the framework to create a worldwide fascist regime that would be the end of not just America but the sovereignty and freedom of any country around the world.

To keep international peace I vow that the Copenhagen treaty must be halted in order by this petition by the people of the world in order to keep sovereignty and international peace. This treaty will also lead to carbon taxes on all facets of human behavior which may also lead to bloodshed, rebellions, increases in terrorist attacks and recruits, and lead to public executions and martial law.

So in other words Copenhagen is a threat to international peace and will do nothing to save the environment. Copenhagen will just transfer all the earths resources to the control by an elite, of the elite, and for the elite of super rich politicians and they will be misusing the peoples resources while the people hardly get any. This will lead to an even more angered public then even under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton for selling our jobs via the NAFTA trade agreement.

So this petition hereby authorizes that by the people of the world we want to halt the Copenhagen treaty and we want investigation of all environmental organizations involved with Copenhagen for evidence of corruption and abuse of authority.

All countries sovereignty is important to not just cultures, but to peoples personal lives because if somebody refuses to obey a stupid law they could goto prison but can goto a country where they are accepted and a worldwide American/British regime would create a defacto one world law and standards where all people must obey or goto prison. A one world government would end peoples personal freedoms and would standardize and federalize a world control regime. A government can make stupid laws that never should have been passed and those mistakes could lead to mass imprisonment of innocent people and stupification of the public.

This one world government is not the answer to our problems and will not create peace but create more violence and disrespect to our policemen.

This world government is also a trick to reduce the human population under the guise that carbon is evil and that we need to reduce it. It will lead to worldwide executions and bloodbaths.

Peace must be maintained and can only be maintained if sovereignty is maintained. Please sign this petition if you are for sovereignty and if you are for a better way, another solution to help clean the environment.

signed by Brian D. Hill of USWGO, and activists that sign this petition, shall be sent to the delegates of the UN
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