Grant Asylum to 6 Iranian Hunger Strikers

Four Iranians are on a hunger strike and have sewn their lips together with fishing wire to protest the UK's plans to deport them back to Iran. They are among six Iranians who are now in their sixteenth day of hunger striking; all say that they have been beaten and tortured after attending anti-regime protests that swept their country following the presidential election in 2009. One hunger striker, 17-year-old Mahyar Meyari, also says that he was raped after participating in a demonstration.
We the undersigned request that the government of the United Kingdom grant asylum to six Iranian hunger strikers. As the Guardian reports, Four Iranians are on a hunger strike and have sewn their lips together with fishing wire to protest the UK's plans to deport them back to Iran. They are among six Iranians who are now in their sixteenth day of hunger striking; all say that they have been beaten and tortured after attending anti-regime protests that swept their country following the presidential election in 2009. One hunger striker, 17-year-old Mahyar Meyari, also says that he was raped after participating in a demonstration. 
Please show the hunger strikers that the United Kingdom and the world cares about them and their fight for democracy, justice, and human rights in Iran.
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