Give 75-Year-Old Grandma Her House Back!

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - Josephine Tolbert, 75, dropped off her great-granddaughter at school and returned to find the locks changed on her Bay Area home, which she bought in 1973. True Compass LLC sold her house to profit real estate speculators and then posted San Francisco police officers at the entrance to prevent Tolbert from returning. Tolbert, who fell behind on payments because of an illness, must now abandon her childcare services (and the 2 families dependent on her).

Tolbert was denied from retrieving her basic belongings, including diapers. This isn't how seniors should be treated over the holidays. Tolbert stated. Tragically, kicking old people out of their homes has become a national trend.

Protestors are already confronting the officers at the Tolbert residence. Join them in telling these real estate moguls to give Tolbert her house back!
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