Please help me urge the Obama campaign to invite Amanda Jones, 109 and daughter of a Texas slave, to the inauguration of the first black president of the US. Amanda Jones has lived a life long enough to touch three centuries and after fighting for and exercising her right to vote consistently for 70 years, she has voted early for the country's first black presidential nominee.
Amanda Jones, 109, the daughter of a man born into slavery, has lived a life long enough to touch three centuries and after fighting for and then exercising her right to vote for 70 years, she has voted early for the country's first black presidential nominee.

This resident of Bastrop County, Texas, having fought to not only have her write to vote as a black voter be counted, but also that of her right as a woman voter, is someone who deserves to see her dreams come to fruition. Urged by her father, a former Texas slave, to cast a ballot no matter what dangers presented themselves, she has voted in every election since casting her first ballot (which she was forced to pay a tax on) for FDR.

We, the undersigned, ask President Obama to commemorate the long journey and difficult struggle of not only her generation, but of her parents' generation, by inviting Mrs. Jones to the inauguration of the first black president of the United States.
Thank you for taking the time read our petition.
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