FUR for FRIENDS: Help the Wildlife in the Gulf
- av: Center Pet
- mottagare: Helping the Wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico who are being harmed from the oil spil;l
As the oil is making its way around the edges of the United States, more and more people are becoming concerned. Yes, potentially this is not good for life, humans, animals and especially not the ecosystem. Center Pet has started the FUR for FRIENDS campaign to clean up the oil and help the wildlife survive, that live in the Gulf. Center Pet is collecting pet fur from loyal customers, dog groomers and friends to send off to Matter of Trust Inc. Matter of Trust is a charity that is also trying to better the lives of the animals that are stuck in the oil. They are creating "hair mats" and "booms" out of the fur we are sending them to soak up the oil. It is actually a proven method!
Please sign this petition if you want to see the animals that live in the Gulf Coast to survive and have better lives--not covered in oil. Everyone at Center Pet applauds you for your generous help. We appreciate it a lot, but mostly the animals and wildlife have a better chance of surviving and living longer lives.
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