Petition against Fur Farms

  • av: Alex McGill
  • mottagare: U.S. Ambassador to China and the Chinese Minister of Commerce
This petition will be sent to the U.S. Ambassador to China and the Chinese Minister of Commerce to help get new legislation against the cruelty of fur farms in China and around the world. Thank you for taking you time to sign.
We the undersigned have found that fur farms in China, the United States and several other countries have been taking their liberties too far and treating animals of all kinds with disrespect. Fur is not a necessity for mankind and is not eco-friendly. Once it is treated with chemicals it becomes a permanent addition once the owners' grow tired of their coat. PETA and other organizations have recently had looks into fur farms and found chinchillas being electrocuted while they can still feel the pain and dogs skinned alive in China. Legislation and regulation need to be passed on these issues to help these animals and others in the future.
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