Free Mohammed Maree

On 10 April 2008, my friend Mohammed Salah Ahmed Maree and I, James Buck, were detained by Egyptian security forces and held without charges while taking photos outside a demonstration asking to find lost family members detained during the previous days' food riots. At about 6 pm we were forcibly taken into custody without charges.

We met the prosecutor around 2 am who cleared us of any allegation and were set free. Outside the prosecutor's office the same police truck was waiting and took us back into custody -  a trap. I was allowed to go but Mohammed had to stay. I said no and I would not leave without him.

Around 11 am the next day they managed to get him away from my side and by 3pm they said they were moving him to another police station and I had to leave, making my lawyer take me out. They said they would release him after 'paperwork' but to date he remains missing.

The last act I saw Mohammed try to do was to get medicine and food for men in his cell who were sick and had been held without food or water for 14 hours. He is an incredibly kind and sensitive man who literally risked his life to save mind, shielding me with his body during the riots and insisting on not giving in to the police while we were in custody, who wanted to take away my photos. he is a veterinary student at nearby Mansoura University who is concerned he will miss his final exams and receive an 'F' for the year and have to repeat it.

Mohammed is 23 years old and is missing in Mahalla, Egypt after having been cleared of all charges. He is being held to intimidate and punish journalists. Demand his immediate and unconditional release.
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