Free Lenard Peltier Now!

Lenard Peltier  an Indigenous person of North America has been in prison for over 30 years for defending the  Jumping Bull family of the Lakota Nation. While other A.I.M. members that were also there defending the Jumping Bull elders during the F.B.I.siege were aquitted under self defense. Lenard refused  court  ordered extradiction from Canada and for that he was convicted of the murder of the two F.B.I agents .  During the trial no evidence was provided that Lenards rifle fired the bullets that killed the two agents,instead the bullistics evidence pointed to possible friendly fire. That it was possible that the two FBI agents were killed by their own fellow agents makes the sentence imposed on Lenard Peltier even a greater injustice, than if Lenard had being imprisoned for defending himself and the lives of the other native people at the Jumpiong Bulls place  back in 1975.  Lenard was at the site and was there defending traditional indians Land Rights thats what he was guilty of . Lenard is being punished for the Govts. anti- Indian policy that it has pursued for now 300 yrs. plus. To resist an injustice is not a crime but an Heroic act,Lenard Peltier has endured much ,denial of medical services that nearly caused his death to denial of religious practice. He is our Nelson Mandela . Set Lenard Peltier Free Now! President Obama you promised change start by bringing an end to this grave miscarriage of Justice  Free Lenard Peltier.
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