Free Kurdish Women's Rights Activist Ronak Saffarzadeh

  • av: Jennifer P.
  • mottagare: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Chief Justice Sadeq Larijani
Ronak Saffarzadeh is a Kurdish activist and member of the One Million Signatures Campaign for the Repeal of Discriminatory Laws Against Women. In 2008, she was arrested for distributing pamphlets about "education in Kurdish language and objection to honor killings," and was sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Sign this petition to urge Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Chief Justice Larijani to release Saffarzadeh immediately and unconditionally.

In 2009, Saffarzadeh lost an appeal of her sentence for "propagating against the regime." Since that time, she has been serving her prison term in the Sanandaj Central Prison, where she is housed with dangerous criminals who have repeatedly attacked and injured her.

Sign now to call on the Iranian government to release Saffarzadeh, who is being held unjustly and whose life is in immediate danger.
We the undersigned urge you to release Ronak Saffarzadeh, who was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for distributing pamphlets about "education in Kurdish language and objection to honor killings." Since 2009, Saffarzadeh has been serving her prison term in the Sanandaj Central Prison, where she is housed among dangerous criminals who have repeatedly attacked and injured her. We call on you to release Saffarzadeh immediately and unconditionally, as she is being held unjustly and her life is in immediate danger.
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