Foal's Found Dead and Dumped on BLM Land

  • av: Horselover10
  • mottagare: All the rodeo circuits. Boycott this rodeo company
The powder River Rodeo Company had 12 foals shot and dumped on BLM land. As you can see from the picture that was in a public newspaper these foals were not starving they look healthy to me you can choose to sign this petition and help Boycott this rodeo company. In my Opinion This rodeo company shot the foals so the mares could get into shape for the up coming rodeos.
They called it a mercy killing HMMM... I dont think so I think it was I want to make money and these foals are in the way KILLLING. The newspaper article is in the Sublette Examiner. The Vet that looked at these poor horse also states there was no reason to kill these foals and if the mares were in poor shape the simple think for HANK FRANZEN to do Was To FEED them and take care of them neither one the moms or the babies would of died. please sign this petition..
this is to boycott  the powder river rodeo company.
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