Florida Department Of Children And Families (DCF) Power Abuse

The Department Of Child And Families and more power then any agency within the United States of America other then the Secret Service or anything related to "Home Land Security" .

With one single anonymous phone call your life and family can and will be turned upside down and inside out.  (Which effects your employement,  Your entire Family, and most of all.. Your Children.)

Without any cause, proof, or evidence of any type of wrong doing as a parent in the state Florida DCF can remove your children from you, and your household. (For up to 12 months while the investigation is carried out.).

The true damage is taking place on the children in question who are caught in the middle of bitter divorces, separations, or even sadly as simple domestic disputes as an act of retaliation

DCF is by far the worst offender in the State of Florida; hundreds of children have been needlessly ripped from their parent's arms and placed in foster care as a result of poor and often malignant supervision on the part of that offices directors.

There are many resources these days on the internet on how to "work the Florida legal  system" or "use the Florida legal system to gain their illegal objective instead of paying for a lawyer or going the correct way through the court system."

Listed is just a few reasons why one would use and abuse the Florida legal system at the cost of every citizen within Florida.
  • Visitation or access blocking by one parent
  • False allegations of abuse or unfit parenting against the Target Parent
  • Deterioration in the relationship with the child and the Target Parent since marital separation
  • Exaggerated fear reaction on the part of the child at displeasing the Alienating Parent

Coming from a single Father who has had his parental rights removed by DCF based solely on "hear say" plus bringing light to the media for a severe oversight of the Tampa Police Depart (I am being singled out due to bringing their mistakes to the media. Youtube.com and search "James Robertson Tampa") , plus  after a court hearing found Innocent of allegations as minor as calling the child "name" and has a seven year old daughter whom is not able to visit or speak to her father due to DCF not content with the circuit judges verdict and scheduling an emergency hearing based again on the allegations I was cleared of just days prior.  I wish and hope for the days legal proceedings and due process.

Listed  below is some sites of interest:


Tampa Police Let 15 year old who tries to turn himself in drive away because he did not have a warrant and the vehicle was not reported stolen.

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojkw4nqFmEw
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCe04lqTGMU
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECAjyQZCOYg
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_zT7rly3ss

    Due to being a caring family member (The victims brother) I have been harassed by Tampa Police and the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department.

    Which now has directly caused me to loose 100% parental rights to my daughter of 7 years old.
We the undersigned

Gov. Rick Scott,

I ask that you please review what day to day issues are occurring in the state of Florida in regards to the department of children and families. The system needs to be reviewed. - Speaking from a child of my natural parents working for the State of Florida HRS / DCF as shelter home parents for in excess of 14 years.

Mr. Scott, I hope this letter reaches you in time and you review the flaws within the system currently in place.
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