Revise and Expedite the Process for Applying for SSD and SSI for Disabled Persons

  • av: C.C. Schenk
  • mottagare: U.S. Social Security Administration
This is to petition the U.S. Social Security Administration to seriously revise and expedite the process of applying for Social Security Disability and Social Security Supplemental Income for those individuals who are physically and/or mentally disabled.

Most of us who are disabled must go through a long drawn out process applying for the disability benefits we are deserved. We are denied our benefits countless times before finally receiving them, usually many years after becoming disabled. So many of us lose our homes, belongings, children,  friends and more during this horrific process.

We are asking that the American Citizens who are or become disabled are not made to suffer any more than they already do from their disabilities!

We ask for revision of the current process, to include  Temporary Disability Benefits while awaiting permanent benefits.

We ask that the process also be expedited so that the individuals applying for these benefits are not subject to years of fighting for benefits thay are due and do not lose everything they have in the process.
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